But probably the crunchiest of all the things I do is drink fresh milk, aka "raw milk." Gasp! Yep. I drink it. And I give it to my kidlets to drink as well. And I am at complete peace with that. Because it is the way God gave it to us. It has not been stripped of all its great qualities. It has not been tampered with. It is purely awesome. I may or may not discuss this further at some point, but for right now I just wanted to mention that I'm bringing my kiddos with me tomorrow morning to show my support of House Bill 1536, which would allow small farmers to sell up to 500 gallons of raw milk (either goat's or cow's) per month to consumers at their farms. That would be sooooo nice...seeing as how THAT would be constitutional.
In case you might like to support such a bill as well, here is a list of House committee members to call (first thing in the morning) or email (right now):
Members of the House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Economic Development
Shepherd, Matthew J. (R-6) - Chair
Steel, Nate (D-19) - Vice Chair
Ballinger, Bob (R-97) 870-423-1035
Branscum, David L. (R-83) 870-448-2408
Douglas, Charlotte Vining (R-75) 479-632-2187
Douglas, Dan M. (R-91) 479-619-9231
Edwards, John Charles (D-35) 501-378-5500
Eubanks, Jon S. (R-74) 479-438-0533
Gillam, Jeremy (R-45) 501-729-0042
Jean, Lane (R-2) 870-234-5433
Jett, Joe (D-56) 870-276-5319
Lampkin, Sheilla E. (D-9) 870-723-6449
Leding, Greg (D-86) 479-966-9201
Lenderman, Homer (D-53) 870-926-7914
Linck, Kelley (R-99) 870-404-2741
Magie, Stephen (D-72) 501-327-4444
McCrary, Walls (D-14) 501-676-2317
Meeks, Stephen (R-67) 501-314-9250
Ratliff, James (D-60) 501-454-5200
Thompson, Tommy (D-65) 501-208-2007
Or SHOW UP tomorrow morning and show your support that way!
WHEN: 9 a.m. Friday on April 5, 2013
WHERE: Arkansas State Capitol
Room 138 Arkansas House
500 Woodlane Street
500 Woodlane Street