Showing posts with label seeds family worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label seeds family worship. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Project 365: Week 19

Sunday, May 1, 2011

We started with a Seeds Family Worship song today in church. The kids got to play rhythm instruments. Of course, they pretty much all had stage fright and didn't do much playing. But it was fun anyhow.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Noah went home with his Mimi and Da after his party on Saturday and stayed all week long! Here is some of what he did while there. Thanks, Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Erin for including him!!

Visiting Aunt Erin's Pre-K classroom and loving all the class pets!

Fishing with Uncle Benjamin. His first catfish!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The other three had yogurt parfaits for breakfast this morning.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Dinner started with lots of color tonight.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

At the library, Atticus said, "Mommy, it's my fwend!" This little girl is there many weeks when we are. 

And today Sara came over and we had such a nice visit. Just hanging out. I'm looking forward to going to her house this summer to learn how to can! I'm holding you to it, Sara!!  :) Then my college roommate totally surprised me by dropping by. She and Sara literally passed each other in my doorway! I so enjoyed getting to catch up with her, especially since I only see her once a year at Family Camp.

Then Paul took the kids out for supper while I went to Women's Fellowship tonight.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Saylor likes to be the one to pay at the dance studio. Sort of like her love of checking out books at the library. Here she is standing in line. And looking all business-like.

After dance class we stopped at Barnes and Noble to pick up a birthday gift. The kids had the best time playing in the children's section. In fact, I had a tough time getting them to leave!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Today we went to the World Famous Armadillo Festival. Yes, we did. And, yes, I've been to it many times over. It just happens to be the festival of my home town. Yep. Good ol' armadillos. We celebrate 'em where I'm frum. Ha! You know what? I just Googled it and typed only as far as "world famous" and the very first suggested topic was "world famous armadillo festival." Who knew? (No website, though.)

Of course, we spent a small fortune (one of the few downsides to having more than, say, one or two kiddos), but it was loads of fun.

Cubbie, the greyhound, even came along.

Atticus said he wanted to ride this train!  :)

The pharaoh ship beckoned, but after sitting on the very back, Noah decided once was enough even for a thrill-seeker like him!

Oh, dear. Bunnies!

She's loved the carousel ever since Disney World. 

Mimi and all four kiddos rode the Dizzy Dragons.

Yup. That's my mom...talking to a biker. She went straight up and hugged him, in fact! Shocked my socks off!! Turns out my parents went to school with him. They actually have several friends who are part of this group of riders

So Atticus decided he'd join up.  ;)

"Ahhh...This is more like it," says the mommy.

Who can pass up ponies?!?

We definitely made some memories! And we enjoyed the beautiful weather, the time with family, and, unfortunately, some of the sweet treats on that "train!"

Y'all, I'm so behind these days. Somethin's gotta give. And I'm starting to think it's going to be dinner...uh-oh. Hope the rest of you linked up at Sara's are faring better.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Seeds Winners!!!!!

Took me a while, I know. But y'all are probably used to that by now. 

Hey, give me a break. I've been busy with taxes and the like! But you'll be happy to know I have indeed filed. And I even managed to do a load of laundry over the past couple of weeks. heh heh

Noah helped me assign points, and he even got the illustrious job of clicking the "Generate" button on's number generator. You should have seen him. It was quite exciting!! (Noah says "hi," by the way.)

Winners are........................

#21, #37, #55, and #67!!!!!!


Wait. That probably doesn't help you much.  ;)

How about...

Shonda, Erin (Anonymous commenter), Jenny, and Kimberly V??!!!

That better?

Soooooooo exciting!!!

I will be contacting you ladies ASAP.

For all those who didn't win, be sure and check out the Seeds Family Worship website and order some CDs for your kids' birthdays, Christmas gifts, etc.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ultimate Blog Party: Seeds Family Worship Giveaway

Well, it's time again to celebrate this thing we I do called blogging. And how do we celebrate? Why--with a blog party, of course. Fun, huh? It certainly is when you realize that this particular party has prizes, contests, giveaways, and that sort of thing involved! Yeah, buddy!
Here's a little about what you can find here:

I'm a Christian homeschooling mommy to four precious blessings. Been married to my college sweetheart for almost twelve years now. I spend a lot of time trying to keep my life in some semblance of order, but I always come back to the fact that I can't. Hello??! Four kids under the age of eight may play a little part in that. Besides if I could, I wouldn't need to rely on God nearly as much as I do. His strength is perfect and His grace sees me through.

I post about all kinds of things. I guess you might say I'm one of those annoying bloggers who still hasn't found her "niche,"as they call it. Oh, well. What can I say? I have many interests. You know what I am? I'm eclectic. That's what.  ;) 
I document my year by taking at least one picture each day, I write updates about my kids (though I am WAY overdue on an update post), I read books and write responses as I go, I rant every now and then, I share "real food" recipes and tips for living more naturally, and sometimes I just make a list. You never know what you're gonna get!

Now. That said, I wanted to do a giveaway, too. So exciting!!

But first...some background.

My regular readers might remember several weeks ago when I mentioned that Saylor (and Atticus) got to sing with Jason Houser of Seeds Family Worship. 'Member that?

Well, besides telling you that we LOVE Seeds Family Worship, I could have told you LOTS more. Like their story. And like WHY we love Seeds Family Worship. And what beautiful fruit we've seen from having "SFW" CDs in our home. (...and car, of course. Isn't that where YOU do most of your singin'?) So, here's the rest:

First of all, these are Scripture verses set to music. What an easy way to memorize God's Word!

Second of all, and perhaps--quite honestly--most importantly, the songs...are...good. (Not annoying, hokey, or unmemorable.) Go here to hear some samples. There are a few full-length videos on YouTube as well.

Thirdly, (and this really relates to the last point) adults enjoy listening, too!   :)

Also, they are sold in packs of two. As in--you get two of the same CD in each package. That way you can share (spread the "seeds") with someone else.

And lastly, people of all ages can learn these songs and, hence, the Scriptures.


I can't tell you what a blessing it's been to learn these songs along with my children. To see how much they enjoy them. And to spend time in worship here at home as a family.


I just wanted to share the love.

And it really is LOVE.

Love for FOUR different readers. How's that sound?? That's right. There will be FOUR winners!! Each winner will receive one two-pack CD from Seeds Family Worship.

Trust me. You WANT these. You NEED these.'ve gotta do one thing for me. You've gotta comment below. It's not that hard really. In fact, I'm making it as easy as possible this time. Because, man, giveaways can sometimes be a lot of work for the reader. (I admit it, I've taken part in the traditional giveaway setup.) But no more! Here's the deal I'll make with you. You leave ONE comment. (You read that right.) And in it, you list all your entries. I will then go back and assign points for each entry, etc. (You don't have to remind me how many extra entries you receive for each thing.) Less work for you. Not really much more for me. We all win. How's that sound??

Possible entries to list in your ONE comment:

1. Follow me on Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs, or RSS Feed. (Required)
2. Follow me in more than one way. (1 extra entry)
3. LIKE this post on Facebook. (Click either just below the post title or at the end of the post--2 extra entries)
4. Follow me on Twitter AND Tweet this giveaway. (3 extra entries)
5. Share this post on Facebook, Twitter, or Google Reader. (See the heart-shaped buttons below the post--2 extra entries for each share.)
6. Tell me the Scripture reference (book, chapter, and verse) that Atticus and Gabriel sing about in the above video. (2 extra entries)
7. Since this is a blog-hopping party, you might be NEW here. (Hi!!) Any effort you take in getting to know me through my blog will be rewarded. For instance, you might want to read some posts in my archives to get an idea of what I post about here. (Or here's a little sampler: The Symphony, Surreptitious Baking, Clean, Doing Battle, Close, and Winter Health Linky Love.)  Or maybe you'd like to browse through the photos on recent posts, or click on the "LinkWithin" suggestions at the end of this post. Or maybe you'd like to check out a link or two from my sidebar. Tell me in your comment what you did to get to know me better. (3 extra entries)
8. Put MY button (see sidebar for code) on YOUR blog. (3 extra entries)
9. Blog about this giveaway, providing your readers with a link to this post. (5 extra entries)
10. Follow my Kelly, a friend who has now moved with her family to Uganda, Africa, at (5 extra entries)

(P.S.- If you already own one or more of these CDs, be sure and tell me in your comment so that if you win I can send you a CD you don't already have.)

This giveaway will run through the end of The Ultimate Blog Party at 5 Minutes for Mom, plus an extra couple of days for you fellow slow pokes out there.  ;)  So, get your comments rolling in. I will close comments on the evening of Sunday, April 10th at 11:59 p.m. Remember, only ONE comment, is necessary. Of course, if you do a few things now and then a few things later in the week, you are welcome to make separate comments to get all the entries in there.

Oh. And if you don't win, PLEASE consider purchasing a CD from Seeds Family Worship. You will not be sorry.

Ultimate Blog Party 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Project 365: Week 11

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I always have trouble coming up with picture-worthy moments on Sundays. Anyone else have that problem? Today was especially hard, since I had to be at church early to sing this morning, then had to stay late for a meeting after church, and then we had community group this afternoon. With no picture amongst all those activities, Atticus graciously provided us with a video of him singing "Baby Beluga." (I apologize in advance for the cheese you may or may not see being chewed in his mouth while he sings.) Oh. And one more thing. We recorded this on Daddy's iPhone, which has "FaceTime," so Atticus could see himself the whole time...and he LOVED that!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Noah has discovered comics at the library. Though interested in Spiderman, I am trying to steer him clear of those, because...ahem...have you ever looked at them?! Scary images, busty women, and even mature content (talk of dating, talk of "innocence" or lack thereof, etc.). I was surprised. So for now (and hopefully for a very long time), we are sticking with Disney comics.  :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Made soup for supper tonight. And had a little helper.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Waffles. Mmmm... These are made with whole grain millet and oats. No flour. Can't tell, can you?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

We had the privilege of hearing Jason Houser of Seeds Family Worship this morning. We are BIG FANS!!

Saylor even got to sing a song with him!!! 
(Thanks, Mr. Bob!!!! That made her day!)

And Atticus tagged along, too. It just so happened to be HIS favorite song, so once he was aware of that fact, he toddled right on up to the stage, climbed up, and sang along!

(He actually knows the words, too! Mostly.)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Because we're without a family car, I've had to make arrangements all week long to get us to all our activities. We don't have THAT many, thank goodness. But today Saylor needed a ride to ballet, so a friend was kind enough to help out. She was so excited to ride with someone new!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I took Noah and Gabe to a birthday party where they had a mega-fun jump house. Gabe got right in there with the big kids and held his own.

Then we left Noah at the party, met Daddy and the others, ran an errand, and went out for dinner at a nearby restaurant. Atticus needed to tend to some business. ;)

And it seems we have another sushi lover among us!!

That's our week! How was yours? I'm off to check out the group at Sara's and get to as many as I can before my time is up on this here 'puter. See ya!

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