Sunday was a sad sort of day, as Paul had an out-of-town trial scheduled Monday morning and a meeting with the clients Sunday afternoon. So after church and a quick Whole Foods run for essentials, he left us. We all spent the day in a sad state, so for supper I treated us to pizza delivered to the door. IN our pajamas.
Since we did absolutely nothing all day Sunday, and I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 2:00 a.m. to go get in my bed, then I shouldn't have been surprised to find this upon rising Monday morning...
I got busy-ISH. But while I was doing the dishes, Atticus climbed up and sat on top of the dishwasher door. I told him "no no" and put him down, but he climbed right back up. Down I put him again, only this time I made him understand, so he walked away pouting. In the back of my mind I thought, "Watch. He'll suddenly decide to climb the stairs now." (Even though he'd never even attempted it before.) A couple of minutes later I hear, "Daaa-deee! Daa-deee!" Noah was standing in the kitchen, so I had him go see what Atticus needed. And guess where he was?!? Four steps up the stairs! (The two of us have obviously got some sort of crazy wave-length thing going. Ha!)
Today we got some fresh (albeit cold) air. Noah designed a hopscotch game for us.

It was a little complicated, but Gabe was undeterred.
He even helped out a bit.
Noah wrote a song today. But before you get too excited, Uncle Jonathan, you should know that he was basically playing the demo songs on his keyboard in a certain order. In other words, he was more like a DJ than a composer. But he thought it out, planned it, wrote it down, etc. until it was just right, that's for sure. Oh, the creative process is so hard to understand sometimes!
Academy* day. Thanks to Paul staying home until 8:00 and dressing two children and making breakfast, we actually made it there on time this week!! (No more tears from the sad little mommy who can't stand to be late OR to get in trouble for it.) Now--here are some of my kindergartners. (I'm the teacher's aide.)
Check out the Oreo/cracker/"meat"/cheese Lunchable sandwich this little fella made:
It snowed. Well, actually it iced and then snowed (a little). We spent two hours finding and donning all our warm things and then like twenty minutes outside.
Except for Noah. Noah could live outside. And doesn't notice the cold until he is soaking wet and RED all over. Then he notices and comes dripping inside.
Snowed in. I baked some cookies. We did a little cleaning out and a lot of lying around.
And one of us is sick again.
BUT. I'm excited to be treating her NATURALLY based on what I'm learning from my new book (the one I mentioned last week).
*I don't remember if I've explained about Academy, so just in case I haven't...We go to Homeschool Academy once a week. It's just a chance for homeschoolers to be in a classroom environment and learn some supplemental content. I took an aide position for a little extra cash, free tuition for Noah, and child care for the others.