Sunday, May 23, 2010

Project 365: Week 21

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I spent a long time today reorganizing our homeschool stuff--moving it from upstairs to some bookshelves downstairs and near the kitchen. I'm hoping that will help us get things a little more under control. Anyway, I found one of Noah's VERY first stories ever written.

I'll translate: One day the squirrel found a acorn. He opened the acorn and it was empty.
(Beginning, middle, and end. You can't argue with that.)

Monday, May 17, 2010

I have these great bibs. Had one for Saylor when she was a baby. (In fact, if you don't have one, get one! I'd provide a link, but I'm not entirely sure they're still available anymore. Here...just Google it: Get Messy Bib by Babylicious. Best of luck!) Gabriel and Atticus both have one. Gabe stopped wearing his long ago, but lately he's been wanting to wear his so he can look like Atticus. They both get a big kick out of looking alike.

It's also my birthday today. I was sad that Paul HAD to work today, but we did all go out for dinner. And that was fun. But I forgot to take any pictures.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I discovered we have a Cupcake Monster living in our home. One who eats only the tops.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We ran an errand or two before lunch, but Atticus just couldn't hang with us. It was sort of weird, because it was a little after 12:00 when we got home, and his normal nap time is more like 1:30 or so. He was sound asleep when we pulled into the garage. And then he stayed asleep as I carried him in the house and put him on my bed. So sweet. But of course, the little cat nap totally messed up his schedule.

And today was Gabriel's last day of speech therapy--at least in this particular program, with this particular, dearly-beloved therapist.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

For some reason Atticus got it in his head that if he wore this hat...

and got down on all fours, he would become a dog. He traveled all around the kitchen woofing and long as the hat stayed on.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Crazy Weekend Event #1: Cousin Claire graduated tonight. We are so proud of her!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Crazy Weekend Event #2: Sent these snack bags with Noah and the boys for Noah's final soccer game, which I had to miss. His team was undefeated, by the way!!

Crazy Weekend Event #3: Dress rehearsal. Somebody's having such a good time!

Crazy Weekend Event #4: Made two huge batches of chocolate buttercream frosting for about a thousand cupcakes. And then made a couple of race cars out of cupcakes.

Crazy Weekend Event #5: Hosted a party (WHICH we were late for!) at Jump!Zone for Noah and Gabriel. Lots of friends and fun. And I actually accomplished the pull-apart cake I was hoping for. Check out the race cars!

That's all for this week, but just remember...the weekend's not over yet, as far as the blog is concerned.
I am, however, DONE. Sort of. Now maybe I can finally get caught up with all the participants linked up at Sara's. (I'm so behind.) On that AND laundry...


  1. Love the bibs, so funny that Gabe wants to wear it again!
    We have a Cupcake Monster in our house too! (The tops really are the best part!)
    I just love the sleeping baby! Even though his schedule was messed up, it had to be better than just sleeping in the car and waking up after a little nap and not going back to sleep!
    Wow! Crazy weekend indeed! Oh, yeah - Happy Birthday! :)

  2. Darn those cupcake mice!

    Have a great week!

  3. wow...busy week! Lots of birthdays! And that cake is the the 2 cars, one for each birthday boy! And the ballet costume is so cute...which I had a girl to put inot ballet!

  4. That is an amazing bib!!!!

    Did those cupcakes have icing? Then I'd be guilty if I was in your home of just eating the tops off too! :)

    That ballet practice is precious!!!

  5. We love our bib! I really love the race cars! So clever, you are!

    We have doing a bit of organizing around here too. I have rearranged the playroom to have a little school spot. Micah needed a place to do our little activities instead of spreading out on the floor in a mess. :) That and we create a Heidi space in the room. Micah and I decided she was old enough to have her own toy spot. :)

  6. Busy busy week.
    Cute, cute pics.
    What a great mamma!

  7. I'm tired after reading your week!
    I love the missing tops of the cupcakes...funny!
    Fun bibs..mine would never keep them on.
    That ballet costume is gorgeous! She looks beautiful!
    Have a super week and happy belated birthday!!

  8. happy birthday to your Gabriel...a little late. I hope it was a blessed day. Love the cupcake cake and the dance picture. CUTE

  9. Wow! You did have a crazy busy weekend! I loved the first story. I just posted one of my daughter's first stories a few days ago too, so when I spotted that I thought it was kinda funny that someone else had the same thought :0)


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