Sunday, August 22, 2010
Poppy had dinner and spent the night with us tonight. He had an early flight to Virginia to catch Monday morning. Say hi to Uncle M., Aunt W., and Baby Ezra for us, Poppy!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Exploring roto-copters for school today.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Now THAT'S a cute kitchen helper!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Have you ever had to condition a chalkboard? Yuck.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
This is right after dinner. You know. When everyone in the neighborhood is home to see us let our kids run around in their skivvies.
Friday, August 27, 2010
I woke up at 4:15 this morning. (You read that right.) And went to Tulsa, Oklahoma for the Women of Faith Conference. The ladies at my former church were so thoughtful to invite me to go along with their group. It was wonderful to reconnect with old friends, meet some new ones, and learn a lot in the process!
One thing I noticed is that Downtown Tulsa has a lot of interesting architecture. Not that this is necessarily a picture of it! This is the Bok Center (aka "Gigantic Frigidaire") where the conference was held. It looks a bit too much like a space station to me. And, in its evilness, forces people to wear sweaters and parkas (okay, maybe not parkas) in August! (Do I complain a lot about extreme temperatures to y'all?)
Mary Mary was the featured music group today. I'd never heard of them before, except for the song "Shackles (Praise You)"
which I really like. In general, though, they are definitely not my musical cup-of-tea, but they certainly have a lot of "swagga." (According to the urban dictionary, that means "How you present yourself to the world.") Anyhoo...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Here's our group on the second day of the conference. As you can see, we're such a cool bunch that Sheila Walsh herself decided to get in the picture with us! Who can blame her, really?
And then...Natalie Grant
. Oh, yes ma'am.
One of my favorite Christian musicians (if only for her sheer level of talent) performed. With. bronchitis! (The day before this she had NO voice.) Wow. Let me tell you, she has about the most amazing set of pipes on the face of the planet! I was floored with how great she sounded while sick. Girl can sAng!
Those of you who don't know, Sara and her pastor hubby came to our old church about five to seven months (maybe a year?) AFTER Paul and I had left to find a better fit for our family. Because some of her new friends were also some of mine, I happened upon Sara's blog through a mutual friend on Facebook. Of course, I liked what I read there. And we've been blogging together (is that what you call it?) ever since.
I so enjoyed getting to know Sara better. It was the first time we'd actually been able to hang out! And FYI she's really good at the game Two Truths and a Lie. not.
Sara's Project 365 can be found here. What have the rest of you guys been up to?