Monday, August 1, 2011

MTM: Who Needs a Muffin Tin?

Our muffin tin meal was tin-less this time. Because we were showing our house later, and I was trying to do without any kind of dishes whatsoever. So the muffin cups went directly onto paper plates. And it worked out just fine. They even matched!

Today's fare was a dill pickle, sliced in half lengthwise, kiwi, strawberries, a chunk of apple with peanut butter, granola bar, and horrible extruded cheddar bunny crackers the kids' always-thoughtful Daddy got for them (albeit, horrible organic extruded cheddar bunny crackers the kids' always-thoughtful Daddy got for them). I was happy to empty the box during this fun lunch, while...simultaneously scoring some (homemade, soaked) brownie points with my youngsters.  ;)

See other muffin tin meals at Muffin Tin Monday.


  1. Great MTM meal! We've been doing muffin tin mondays forever it seems, and it's always such fun for my boys. I love your header picture - great shot!

  2. Hee hee - looks yummy. The horrible extruded cheddar bunnies can't be any worse than the red velvet cupcake my daughter just ate for dessert. But then, we were at a party. :o)


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