Breakfast: Cinnamon bread, fruit
Lunch: Tomato soup, cornbread
Dinner: Daddy's cookin'!
Breakfast: Scones, scrambled eggs, fruit
To do: Soak oats
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, carrots
Dinner: Pasta with Italian sausage, feta, olives; salad
Breakfast: Baked oatmeal
Lunch: Fruit, cheese and crackers, pickles
Dinner: Black bean burgers, baked sweet potatoes
To do: Make ice cream
Breakfast: Kefir smoothies, scrambled eggs, toast
Lunch: Apples w/peanut butter
Dinner with friends tonight! Taking homemade ice cream and ??
To do: Soak rice, prepare tomorrow's dinner for crockpot, make two kiddie lunches
Breakfast: Leftovers or something from the freezer
To do: Turn on the crockpot
Lunch: At "camp" today.
Dinner: Moroccan chicken and veggies over brown rice
Saturday: No clue
Sunday: No clue
Link up, PLEASE!
Monday, May 30, 2011
The Way Boys Eat
Last week we were without Saylor ALL week. (She had princess tea parties and other special girly events to attend with her Mimi.) So we had a muffin tin meal. It had been a while.
We had raw Colby cheese, grapes, baby carrots, chips, hummus, and a leftover birthday cupcake. (Mommyneeded them gone was feeling the need to spoil her precious boys.) This post is linked up at Muffin Tin Monday.
We had raw Colby cheese, grapes, baby carrots, chips, hummus, and a leftover birthday cupcake. (Mommy
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A Rose, Remembered
A year ago I blogged about this rose and what it meant to me.
I'm using it again today for Wordless Wednesday and for Melissa's Monday Moments.

I'm using it again today for Wordless Wednesday and for Melissa's Monday Moments.

Monday, May 23, 2011
Project 365: Week 21
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Saylor spent part of the afternoon playing with friends at their house. I wish I had remembered to get a picture of them before this point! (Oops.)
Monday, May 16, 2011
We did a lot of playing around the house today. First, I found the kids playing store together.
And then I caught Noah and Gabriel hiding in the "costume closet" testing out Noah's rechargeable flashlight in the dark.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me
First, a friend came over to play.
And then we had dinner out to celebrate.
And...Paul surprised me with a cake from Mickey's!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Today was Poppy's birthday.
Paul worked late, so after supper we drove out to Conway to take him out for dessert.
Paul worked late, so after supper we drove out to Conway to take him out for dessert.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Playing UNO before bed.
Friday, May 20, 2011
We like to Skype. Peekaboo, Mimi!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dress rehearsal this morning.
Birthday party this afternoon.
Whew! Long week. Went by fast. And I'm now officially pooped. Late to Sara's again, but glad to be there at all. :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday Needs a Menu
I'm so unmotivated lately. Cooking is not on my list of want-tos right now. But apparently, I've got to. So...
Breakfast: Bagels w/ cream cheese, fruit
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, fruit
Dinner: Mac 'n cheese, spinach, fruit
Yeah. That's it. Fabulous, huh?
Monday Had a Menu.
Sort of.
And that's about all I've got in me. Tomorrow and the rest of the week? Well, I really don't want to think about them right now. All I can see is how BUSY this week/weekend is going to be. I guess I'm officially "struggling." If you've got any ideas, feel free to send 'em my way.
Breakfast: Bagels w/ cream cheese, fruit
Lunch: Peanut butter sandwiches, fruit
Dinner: Mac 'n cheese, spinach, fruit
Yeah. That's it. Fabulous, huh?
Monday Had a Menu.
Sort of.
And that's about all I've got in me. Tomorrow and the rest of the week? Well, I really don't want to think about them right now. All I can see is how BUSY this week/weekend is going to be. I guess I'm officially "struggling." If you've got any ideas, feel free to send 'em my way.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Project 365: Week 20
I hope you will bear with me right now through the design changes here. I've been sick of my old layout for quite some time. So I finally decided to get to work on it, but it often takes time and effort to customize things. So until the dust settles... ;)
Here's my week:
Here's my week:
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
This is a dumb ol' cell phone pic (actually, there are quite a few this week), but I just couldn't resist posting this one. Gabe's looking mighty dapper this morning. I wanted my handsome boys dressed up for me today. ;)
After naps we all went shopping for a few clothing items for me. (Happy Mother's Day!!!) But it seems that the little boys found themselves something as well.
And that night after supper, Gabriel saw some spots **cough, sputter, cough** on our kitchen floor and just went and grabbed a rag and started wiping them up. No one told him to! I gushed and gushed and told him that was one of the best Mother's Day presents ever!
Monday, May 9, 2011
Had to pick up a few things from Wal-Mart late tonight and while standing in line, saw this:
I just had to take a picture, because...for real?!
Also, just had to share this photo I found on Paul's phone. This is the sort of thing that went on in the Book Room during all our tornado warnings a couple of weeks ago.
iPhones do help pass the time, though.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Today, in case you missed it, was "Sister's Day."
Indeed it was.
Yah. It's a loverly, loverly day. One thing it definitely means is that there will be pink ribbon strung all over your house. It's really quite fascinating.
And not just in one room either! You get miles and miles of pink ribbon! Okay. Not miles and miles maybe, but square feet and square feet of it.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tonight we were all in the living room together, singing and discussing things, when Atticus suddenly crawled over to Saylor and sat in her lap. Which. she. ate up.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Paul took JUST the big kids to court with him this afternoon. (Even I've never been to court with him!) Always a treat to see Daddy in action.
Not the best pic, but I wanted them to have something to remember it by.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Our sweet and lovely (and single!!!) friend kept the younger kiddos tonight. They LOVE to hear her read stories!!
While they were having a good time, Paul and I took Noah out on a date. He even got to choose the restaurant. I had to sneak a picture, but he caught me!
Then we went "looking" at a newer toy store here in town, bought him a book, stopped at Best Buy to play the giant iPhone, and then took him for ice cream. He said it was the best night ever.
And, oh! At dinner I spilled sauce on my white shirt. Isn't it always the white shirt that gets it?? Paul laughed at me the whole night because it was so obvious. See?
He said it reminded him of this:
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Today we got up ur-ligh in the morning to make our food runs. Got some good deals at Farmer's Market.
It was an all-around nice family day. No obligations. Just fun.
And that's 20 weeks. How did 20 weeks happen already?! I mean, the half-way mark is right around the corner! I'm linked up at Sara's for Project 365. Over and out.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Project 365: Week 19
Sunday, May 1, 2011
We started with a Seeds Family Worship song today in church. The kids got to play rhythm instruments. Of course, they pretty much all had stage fright and didn't do much playing. But it was fun anyhow.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Noah went home with his Mimi and Da after his party on Saturday and stayed all week long! Here is some of what he did while there. Thanks, Uncle Benjamin and Aunt Erin for including him!!
Visiting Aunt Erin's Pre-K classroom and loving all the class pets!
Fishing with Uncle Benjamin. His first catfish!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The other three had yogurt parfaits for breakfast this morning.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Dinner started with lots of color tonight.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
At the library, Atticus said, "Mommy, it's my fwend!" This little girl is there many weeks when we are.
And today Sara came over and we had such a nice visit. Just hanging out. I'm looking forward to going to her house this summer to learn how to can! I'm holding you to it, Sara!! :) Then my college roommate totally surprised me by dropping by. She and Sara literally passed each other in my doorway! I so enjoyed getting to catch up with her, especially since I only see her once a year at Family Camp.
Then Paul took the kids out for supper while I went to Women's Fellowship tonight.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Saylor likes to be the one to pay at the dance studio. Sort of like her love of checking out books at the library. Here she is standing in line. And looking all business-like.
After dance class we stopped at Barnes and Noble to pick up a birthday gift. The kids had the best time playing in the children's section. In fact, I had a tough time getting them to leave!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Today we went to the World Famous Armadillo Festival. Yes, we did. And, yes, I've been to it many times over. It just happens to be the festival of my home town. Yep. Good ol' armadillos. We celebrate 'em where I'm frum. Ha! You know what? I just Googled it and typed only as far as "world famous" and the very first suggested topic was "world famous armadillo festival." Who knew? (No website, though.)
Of course, we spent a small fortune (one of the few downsides to having more than, say, one or two kiddos), but it was loads of fun.
Of course, we spent a small fortune (one of the few downsides to having more than, say, one or two kiddos), but it was loads of fun.
Cubbie, the greyhound, even came along.
Atticus said he wanted to ride this train! :)
The pharaoh ship beckoned, but after sitting on the very back, Noah decided once was enough even for a thrill-seeker like him!
Oh, dear. Bunnies!
She's loved the carousel ever since Disney World.
Mimi and all four kiddos rode the Dizzy Dragons.
Yup. That's my mom...talking to a biker. She went straight up and hugged him, in fact! Shocked my socks off!! Turns out my parents went to school with him. They actually have several friends who are part of this group of riders.
So Atticus decided he'd join up. ;)
"Ahhh...This is more like it," says the mommy.
Who can pass up ponies?!?
We definitely made some memories! And we enjoyed the beautiful weather, the time with family, and, unfortunately, some of the sweet treats on that "train!"
Y'all, I'm so behind these days. Somethin's gotta give. And I'm starting to think it's going to be dinner...uh-oh. Hope the rest of you linked up at Sara's are faring better.
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